Written in French.
The Mona Lisa is certainly the most famous "image" in the world. But by being seen everywhere, by being used by all kinds of media and for all kinds of purposes, the image has gradually erased the painting, has deprived it of its material. The myth has so overshadowed its history...
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Written in French.
The Mona Lisa is certainly the most famous "image" in the world. But by being seen everywhere, by being used by all kinds of media and for all kinds of purposes, the image has gradually erased the painting, has deprived it of its material. The myth has so overshadowed its history that we are nowadays entitled to wonder who, from the image or the painting, the large crowd has come to see.
It was time to propose not another look, an additional look, but a truer look at this work, to forget the derision, often very derisory, of which La Joconde was the subject, especially in the 20th century, to sweep away many preconceived ideas or to stop at her smile, for example, and finally to confront the myth with reality. This is the purpose of this book, which aims to do very simply justice to the portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, and which is addressed to all those who are still wondering what is so extraordinary about it.
Written in French
109 pages
Co-publishing El viso/Louvre Editions
Collection Solo