Engraving Elizabeth Peyton - The Friend (from a work by Titien)
Sold by GrandPalaisRmn
- Maintenance
- Avoid all sources of humidity and direct light. Do not fold sheet
- Printing Technique
- Eau-forte, Vernis mou
- Material of the original work
- Cuivre
- Size of the sheet
- 40x31
- Copper plate size
- 25x20
- Theme
- Made in France
- Art movement
- 21st century
- Editor
- Ateliers d'art de la Rmn-GP
- Original work kept at
- Paris, musée du Louvre
- Author
- E. Peyton
- Reference
- KM011493
- 3336729270866
- Matière de l'article
- Hahnemühle paper
- Model dimensions
- 31cm x 40cm
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