Engraving Barthélémy Toguo - Balade Printanière

"To illustrate his monumental work Le Pilier des migrants disparus, which will be installed under the Louvre pyramid in autumn 2022 as part of the "Les Choses" exhibition, the Ateliers d'art de la Rmn - Grand Palais and the Louvre Museum have invited the artist Barthélémy Toguo to engrave a copper plate...
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Sold by GrandPalaisRmn
Eviter toute source d'humidité et de lumière directe. Ne pas plier la feuille
Printing Technique
Eau-forte, aquatinte au lavis
Size of the sheet
100 x 65 cm
Copper plate size
84,5 x 52
Made in France
Art movement
21st century
Ateliers d'art de la Rmn-GP
Original work kept at
Paris, musée du Louvre
Matière de l'article
Hahnemühle paper
Model dimensions
100cm x 65cm
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