Claude Gillot

Claude Gillot

November 9, 2023 - February 26, 2024 Exhibition has ended

A draughtsman and engraver in the twilight years of the Grand Siècle, Claude Gillot's reputation is based in part on the creativity and originality of his works, prefiguring the freedom of tone and morals of the Regency era. Bawdy parodies, scenes of sorcery, harlequinade and fairground improvisations show him to be an artist of satire, comedy and the performing arts above all. His countless drawings, prized by collectors, demonstrate an intense activity in a wide variety of fields, in illustration, theatre and opera, for costume and set design.

Exhibition catalogues

Exhibition catalogue Claude Gillot (1673-1722). Comédies, fables et arabesques

  • € 32
Designer and engraver, Claude Gillot (Langres, 1673 - Paris, 1722) owes a large part of his reputation to the fantasy of his drawings and the freedom of his engravings, earning him the reputation of an undisciplined artist. His work as a vignettist, abundant and varied, appreciated by private circles and the Parisian bourgeoisie, testifies, at the end of the Grand Siècle, to the emergence of a first rococo, rich in invention, poetry and strangeness. At a distance from the official art of Versailles, his art is that of Italian comedy, fable and theater, then in full evolution.
The work seeks to show how drawing, in its technical diversity, was the artist's preferred means of expression, while his painted work is rare, limited to less than ten canvases. He also reports the great profusion of his production between bacchanalia and scenes of witchcraft, opera sets, costumes and actors' figures, festivals and rustic pleasures...
Finally, his posterity is evoked by the first drawings of the young Watteau who is trained in his workshop. This prestigious student ensured that Gillot never fell into oblivion and opened the way to the success of the Regency galant parties.

Exhibition Claude Gillot, from November 9, 2023 to February 26, 2024, at the Louvre Museum, Sully Wing, Salle de l'Horloge.


Co-publishing Lienart éditions / Louvre éditions
Claude Gillot

Claude Gillot

November 9, 2023 - February 26, 2024 Exhibition has ended

A draughtsman and engraver in the twilight years of the Grand Siècle, Claude Gillot's reputation is based in part on the creativity and originality of his works, prefiguring the freedom of tone and morals of the Regency era. Bawdy parodies, scenes of sorcery, harlequinade and fairground improvisations show him to be an artist of satire, comedy and the performing arts above all. His countless drawings, prized by collectors, demonstrate an intense activity in a wide variety of fields, in illustration, theatre and opera, for costume and set design.

A draughtsman and engraver in the twilight years of the Grand Siècle, Claude Gillot's reputation is based in part on the creativity and originality of his works, prefiguring the freedom of tone and morals of the Regency era. Bawdy parodies, scenes of sorcery, harlequinade and fairground improvisations show him to be an artist of satire, comedy and the performing arts above all. His countless drawings, prized by collectors, demonstrate an intense activity in a wide variety of fields, in illustration, theatre and opera, for costume and set design.

Claude Gillot Arlequin Esprit follet : « N’excluons point amis un habile convive ». Musée du Louvre ©Musée du Louvre, département des Arts graphiques
Claude Gillot, La Bonne nourrice Avant 1710 Paris. Musée du Louvre ©Musée du Louvre, département des Arts graphiques
Claude Gillot, La Scène des deux carrosses. Musée du Louvre ©Musée du Louvre, département des Arts graphiques
Claude Gillot, L’Enfance, de la série des Quatre Âges du Satyre. The Morgan Library & Museum New York ©The Morgan Library & Museum

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