Harry Nuriev

For LOUVRE COUTURE exhibition, the Louvre Museum invites Harry Nuriev to be inspired by its collections and decors: an exclusive line of objects and charms has been imagined, playing with the notion of "Souvenirs of the Louvre". His creations are associated with unusual, immersive images, enchanted by a "silvering" that has become the artist's signature.

About Our Collaboration

For LOUVRE COUTURE exhibition, the Louvre Museum invites Harry Nuriev to be inspired by its collections and decors: an exclusive line of objects and charms has been imagined, playing with the notion of "Souvenirs of le Louvre".

The Souvenirs of Le Louvre Line

His creations are associated with unusual, immersive images, enchanted by a "silvering" effect that has become the artist's signature.

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